In the event of life-threatening illness or injury, call 112.
Find the right care close to you. Here is a brief summary of the public emergency healthcare provided in the county of Stockholm.
1177 gives guidance
If you are not sure where to turn, you can call 1177. You will then be able to speak to an experienced nurse, who will help you find the right care.
Search for care at the right medical centre
Vårdcentralen (healthcare centre)
Vårdcentralen is the first choice when you need to see a doctor or nurse. This is where you can get help in the event of, for example, fever; urinary, respiratory or skin infections; acute deterioration in chronic illness; wound injuries; or acute skin problems (rashes, etc.). Vårdcentralen is open during the day on regular weekdays.
Find our vårdcentralen healthcare centres
Online husläkarmottagning (online doctor’s surgery), 7 days a week
By using the Alltid öppet services, you can contact our vårdcentralen healthcare centres and husläkarmottagning doctor’s surgeries via videomeeting. Our online husläkarmottagning is open 7-21, 7 days a week.
More about Alltid öppet
Jourläkarbilar (out-of-hours home visit)
There are also jourläkarbilar, where doctors make home visits during evenings and weekends, and at night. This service is for those in urgent need of care but who find it difficult to travel to a surgery or healthcare centre. If you need to use this service, call 1177.
Närakuten (local emergency clinic)
The Närakuten provides emergency help for adults and children of all ages in the event of illness or injury that is not life-threatening. Närakuten is for you if your care needs are more urgent than can be met by your vårdcentralen (local healthcare centre) or husläkarjouren (an out-of-hours doctor) – for example, a suspected broken arm/leg, concussion, serious wounds, suspected blood clots, or acute allergic reactions. Närakuten also provides care for children of all ages, including newborn babies.
Find Närakuten local emergency clinics
Psychiatric care
If you need urgent psychiatric help, you should contact our psykiatriska jourmottagningar (psychiatric out-of-hours care) or psykiatriska akutmottagningar (emergency psychiatric clinic). The emergency service often involves long waiting times, but the out-of-hours service may provide help more quickly.
More about emergency psychiatric care
Akutsjukhusens akutmottagningar (emergency hospital care)
This service will help in the event of very serious or life-threatening illness or injury. Call 112 or 1177 to find the right akutmottagning.